Monday, July 8, 2013

10 Months

I'M BACK!  We are very behind on here from our move that is taking place.  Did I mention we've been without home since February.  Oh and it gets worse....we have no home until AUGUST 1!!!!  So Frustrating.  Temporary living it is.  We did get our computer out of temp storage so I can post again!  yay!

Here are Ella's 10 month pics from forever ago!  Which means 11 month to follow and then it's HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EL!  Party planning is my thing.  Too bad we won't have a home for the party!  Actually, we are going to celebrate her birthday twice.  Once when my parents come at the beginning of August and then when Kyle's come the following month!  It'll be just fine, right?!  Can you tell I may be a bit bitter...haha!  

Ella Brookelynn at 10 months!  


  1. So sorry you can't get into your house until August!! That stinks! Hope you guys are doing well and that the next couple weeks fly by!!

    1. I know it stinks....more TLF living for us! This place though, you're right, has 3 bedrooms! yay! 2 weeks! We can make it! We miss you and Chris so much!
