Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Baby Trip #4

We(me and the baby) got the chance to take a ride on my husband's plane...the C-5 Galaxy.  For those of you who don't know, it's HUGE.  The largest plane in the Air Force.  Anyway, I hadn't had a chance to ever even see it up close--only watch Kyle take off and land a few times from a ways away.  I will put it this way...it was quite the experience.  

the Good...
-seeing where my husband lives half the year
-actually being near the controls he pilots and being absolutely amazed at what he does
-seeing the San Francisco Bay and Pacific coast from the cockpit...what a site!
-being chosen to take-off near the cockpit-which is in the front part of the plane

the Bad...
 -found out little baby b does NOT like to fly
-air-refueling when you're in the troop compartment, at the back of the plane, is awful
-air-refueling so everyone can cycle through to see took 2 1/2 hours
-result of all the above=4 puke bags

Here are some great pics from the great but not-so-great day

all the wives headed to the beast

that's their patch  22 Airlift Squadron Mulies

awful pic of me but it's proof I was there

 the controls and pilots

This is why I got sick...Air-Refueling.  That is a KC-10 re-fueling us

going right over the Golden Gate Bridge...the hill there on the side is my favorite spot near the city

yes, that is the entire Bay Area...the Bay Bridge on the left, the city itself, the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz is the tiny island in the middle there
the pilot and co-pilot doing their thing

the C-5 Galaxy
Brittany and me after the flight...smiling and glad to be on the ground
Kyle ordered me a sweetheart patch since it was the day before Valentine's Day...I got my wings!  :)

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