Saturday, January 7, 2012

Suprise...we're pregnant!

After not trying too hard and letting it happen when it happens, I found myself pregnant! 

 I was about a week late and was just feeling different, not sick, just different.  I'm sure all you other mothers out there know the feeling.  I was nervous but excited to take a test to find out.  Sure enough it came out positive!  AND OF COURSE, Kyle was gone on a trip at the time so I was hoping to get a hold of him (for those of you who don't know--he was half way around the world and never answers his phone when gone...I just wait for him to call me).  I was sure he wouldn't answer so I called once, then twice, and on the third call he answered....I couldn't believe it!  

I was shaking not only because I was excited but also because I had no idea how I was going to tell I just blurted it out.  His first response..."who's the father?"  What a jerk...I couldn't believe he said that but then he immediately said, "That's so exciting!" followed by "maybe you should take another test to be sure."  He was so excited it made me more in love with him than ever before.

and so the story begins...

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